  • eCommerce


Opting for a dropshipping business model is a great way to generate income without the need to invest in products and storage, while offloading the responsibilities of logistics and post-sales service to your selected supplier.

The AliDropship for AliExpress service offers sellers a fantastic opportunity to manage products on their online shop in much easier way, thanks to automated uploading of items and access to important information about products and sellers on the platform.

What is AliDropship?

AliDropship is a plugin that can be used to automate all the processes of dropshipping on AliExpress, connecting shops with online platforms like WordPress or PrestaShop.

AliDropship for Chrome is a plugin for this Google browser that allows you to directly carry out various processes in order to facilitate the management of your onlineshop, linked to AliExpress, as well as accessing important information about products and sellers on the platform.

What can you do with AliDropship?

Let’s take a look at the different actions you can carry out with AliDropship.

Importing AliExpress products to your shop

The most interesting feature of AliDropship is the ability to directly import products to your shop. For this, all you need to do is browse the various items available on the platform using the Chrome browser with the AliDropship extension enabled. When you find a product that you want to import to youronline shop, you can select it with the extension and have it sent directly to your shop, so that it immediately appears in the product list of your e-commerce site and is available for users to purchase.

You’ll need to set up the plugin correctly, linking it to youronlineshop with all the necessary permissions granted. This way, you’ll be able to automate the entire process in just a few mouse clicks.

Price search

The ability to search for products on the AliExpress marketplace with a lower or identical price to any given item is another great feature of AliDropship. This feature makes it much easier to set appropriate prices for your products and thereby increase your sales, while minimising cuts to your commission.

Access to seller ratings

When it comes to selecting the best AliExpress dropshipping supplier, this plugin can be a great help. When you visit a seller’s shop on the platform, you’ll be able to access their shop’s rating. With this information, and by checking reviews from buyers or evaluating the descriptions and number of products sold, you’ll have a clear idea of how trustworthy and reliable this AliExpress seller may be.

To succeed with anydropshipping model, your choice of supplier or seller is of vital importance. In this regard, AliDropship offers valuable information allowing you to assess a seller’s reliability.

Tracking price changes and availability

With AliDropship, you can view an AliExpress product’s price changes over time, offering valuable information when it comes to managing your shop via a Dropshippingmodel.

Seeing the evolution of prices allows you to get the most out of those products whose prices are trending upwards, in order to offer more valuable items on your e-commerce site and therefore earn much greater commissions with each sale.

Carrying out a price-evolution study is simple with this extension, avoiding the need to set up complicated tables to manage information over a set period of time.

Access to real product photos

Another feature of this plugin for Chrome is the option to view photos of the products uploaded by buyers. With this feature, you can select reliable products to sell on youre-commerce site, by verifying that what the seller offers actually lines up with the product received.

On AliExpress, many suppliers will use misleading techniques to make it seem like an item has certain characteristics that, in reality, do not exist. For example, using photos taken from certain angles to make the product look bigger. When customers receive the product, they are disappointed to find that it doesn’t meet their expectations or look how it appeared on AliExpress.

This plugin is perfect for seeing how products really look, avoiding any that may mislead customers.

Searching for ePacket products

Filtering for AliExpress products that offer the ePacket shipping option can be really useful, as this special shipping system offered on the platform provides some great benefits for customers:

  • Guaranteed shipment under high-security conditions.
  • Much shorter delivery times, which can be particularly advantageous given how far away China is, and how long it can take to deliver packages.
  • Very competitive prices, with a very low cost that makes these products highly attractive for customers.

AliDropship allows users to filter AliExpress products, showing only those that offer ePacket shipping and making it easier to select these types of items to add to your e-commerce site – thereby offering greater value to your buyers.

It’s important to remember that, in adropshipping model, the seller or supplier takes care of the preparation and shipment of the product, as well as the management of returns and post-sales service. As a result, the ePacket option guarantees high service levels in these areas.

How does dropshipping with AliExpress work?

AliDropship is a tool that plays a fundamental role in the process of dropshipping with AliExpress, saving plenty of time and offering ideal, automated solutions to get the most out of this business model.

1. Choose a seller

The first step to selling AliExpress products on your e-commerce site is selecting the right AliExpress sellers. With AliDropship, you can measure the reliability of each seller in order to rule out the least trustworthy.

2. Add products to the website

Automating the process of adding products to your e-commerce site while you browse AliExpress is the quickest and easiest way to manage your catalogue. With AliDropship, all it takes is a few clicks to send any product to your online shop, making it instantly available for your customers to buy.

3. Promote the e-commerce site

To make more sales, you’ll need to promote your online shop so that more users can discover your products, increasing your chances of making a sale and, as a result, receiving a commission.

4. Ship the products received

In this business model, when a user makes a purchase, a process is automatically activated, through which the AliExpress seller will begin to prepare and make the shipment. Avoiding the responsibility for this process is one of the greatest benefits of dropshipping on AliExpress.

5. Receive a commission

The final step is receiving your commission when the product is accepted by the customer, after delivery. With AliDropship, you can maximise these commissions by selecting products with upward-trending prices or more appealing items that offer protected and cheap shipping with ePacket.

We’ve taken a look at how AliDropship for WordPress and Chrome works and what makes it so attractive when it comes to launching a dropshippingproject on the platform. AliDropship works automatically, making adding and selecting AliExpress products for your virtual shop much quicker and easier.